Component 1
We begin with a 8 hour interactive workshop that requires the participant to take a role in defining the components and features of their particular retirement system. This covers CSRS, CSRS Offsets, FERS, and FERS Changeovers.
We start with the basics......understanding how to completely read an LES, SF-50, and Social Security Statement. Next, rules, benefits, and retirement eligiblity are studied. Now, the participant is immersed in a number of calculations. The purpose of this component is to start “transferring ownership” to the employee. The information provides the tools so that the individual can plan a target retirement date with an accurate definition of retirement dollars.
Component 2
Individual sessions with each person occur subsequently in which printed projections are provided depicting TSP, Retirement Annuity, Retirement Supplement (FERS),etc. Additionally, forms and assistance are provided for defining beneficiaries, TSP, and calculating deposits for military and temporary time.
Charges are per day and not per person. The number of days required is based upon participants work schedule, shift hours, and for GS-0081 Firefighters, the number of Stations as well as the presence of an airfield mission.
Once these features are identified, a Proposal will be forwarded.
Both components are completed during the normal on-duty hours. This eliminates overtime, per diem, and TDY costs.
What is "Special Category" and why must these persons have separate training?
Special Category Personnel are Firefighters, Air Traffic Controllers, and some Law Enforcement components. As Special Category Employees, these persons generally share only with others in Federal employment open enrollment for FEHB, maximum deferral limits to TSP, and FEGLI rules. These individuals are a small part of the total Federal workforce and are unable to be fully served in the training for the rest of the workforce.
Some Examples of Differences
A. "Base Pay" is calculated differently.
B. Retirement eligibility differs from those that are not "Special Category"
C. “Special Category" applicants may not be hired into their Series after a specific age.
D. Retirement Annuity calculations are different from those that are not "Special Category".
E. “Vesting" in their Job Series has unique rules.
F. There are 2 levels in (2) job Series. For example, the GS-0081 Firefighter Series has Primary/Secondary or Rigorous/Non- Rigorous. Each has specific "vesting" rules and different Position Descriptions.
G. There are generally (3) Special Category Federal Employee types and each has a different Position Description.
H. Disability Retirement rules differ from those that are not "Special Category".
I. RIF/BRAC/VSIP/VERA rules differ from those that are not "Special Category".